SAC 2024

Gear List & Race Rule

Gear List

For Duathlon Events (MTB + Trail Run)

Mandatory Gear

  • Mountain bike
  • Sturdy trail running shoes (with a good grip)
  • Bicycle helmet
  • Hydration (bottles or pack) – No water – no start

Recommended Gear

  • Water bottles or water bag (1.5L)
  • Full finger gloves are advisable for all stages (Bike and Trail run)
  • Extra energy: Gel/Bars/dried fruit
  • A toolkit that includes: inner tubes / pump or 2-3 CO2 cartridges / Puncture repair kit/ Allen wrench multi tool with chain tool / spare derailleur hanger / spare chain link (magic link) / zip or cable ties etc.
  • A mobile telephone with functioning reception, with zip lock or waterproof wallet for phone
  • Mountain bike shoes (optional – there are some hike-a-bike sections)
  • Pocket money – just in case
  • Backpack to carry the above items

For MTB Challenge

Mandatory Gear

  • Mountain bike
  • Bicycle helmet
  • Hydration (bottles or pack) – No water – no start

Recommended Gear

  • Water bottles or water bag (at least 1.5L)
  • Extra energy: Gel/Bars/dried fruit
  • Gloves
  • A toolkit that includes: inner tubes / pump or 2-3 CO2 cartridges / Puncture repair kit/ Allen wrench multi tool with chain tool / spare derailleur hanger / spare chain link (magic link) / zip or cable ties etc.
  • A mobile telephone with functioning reception, with zip lock or waterproof wallet for phone
  • Mountain bike shoes (optional – there are some hike-a-bike sections)
  • Pocket money – just in case
  • Backpack to carry the above items

Technical Support For Bike

We recommend you have your bike fully serviced before you arrive so it is ready to go. Kuching has a number of good bike shops with a good stock of standard parts, however these shops close at 6 pm and may not have spares for more ‘exotic’ brands. There will be only limited mechanical support available at the start / finish line, but not during the race. 

Trail Run Challenge

Mandatory Gear

  • Proper trail running shoes
  • Hydration (bottles or pack) – No water – no start

Recommended Gear

  • Water bottles or water bag (1.5L)
  • Extra energy: Gel/Bars/dried fruit
  • A mobile telephone with functioning reception, with zip lock or waterproof wallet for phone
  • Pocket money – just in case
  • Backpack to carry the above items

Race Rules

  1. Bike Section:
    • Mountain Bikes: Serviceable and rideable Mountain Bikes with 26″ , 27.5″ or 29″ wheel sizes. Both front and rear brakes must be in good working order. Suggest you have the bike maintained before you arrive. No e-bikes, motorized bikes or any sort of powered bikes are permitted in the race. No Cyclocross bikes.
    • Helmets: You must wear a suitable bicycle helmet at all times whilst riding. Participation may be denied if helmet is considered damaged or unsafe. Refusal to wear a helmet will result in disqualification.
    • You are responsible for your own bicycle repairs during the race. Please bring any necessary items such as spare inner tubes, pump, lube, tools, extra brake pads etc. that you may need. There will be no mechanic service provided on course.
    • Bike Numbers: Bike numbers must be mounted on the handlebars facing forward. Cutting of numbers or altering with sponsor stickers is not allowed. A 5 minute penalty will be assessed for losing your bike number.
    • There will be a couple of hike-a-bike sections during the MTB stage so choose your footwear wisely.
  1. Run Section:
    • Running Shoes: The running tracks are along jungle trails with numerous stream crossings so sturdy shoes with good traction / grips are recommended.
    • Numbers: Numbers must be worn on the front of the body. Cutting numbers or altering with sponsor stickers is not allowed. A 5 minute penalty will be assessed for losing your run number.
  1. Transition Area (for Duathlon):
    • You may not mount your bicycle before the exit of the transition area. You must dismount your bicycle before entering the transition area. In other words – no riding your bike in the transition area. Riding your bicycle in transition will result in a 2 minute penalty.
    • Helmets: You must have your helmet on and buckled before leaving transition, and YOU MUST have your helmet on and buckled when you enter the transition. There will be a 2 minute penalty for helmet violations.
    • Bicycles and belongings must be securely placed in the designated zone within the transition area.
    • Bikes will be guarded at the transition points and you can only claim your bike with your matching bib number.
    • There will be water and bananas available at the Transition area as well as at re-hydration stations. All other food (gels, power bars, electrolytes etc.) you will have to carry sufficient to last the duration of the race.
  1. Checkpoints (for all categories):
    • The method of checking will be announced during the race briefing.
    • Returning to the end of the race without proof of passing check points will be considered as DNF.
  1. Event General Rules:
    • Race Course: The course will pass through remote areas and will comprise single track, dirt and plantation roads, and tarmac. The route will be marked using direction arrows, signs, and event marking tape, along the trail and marshals at key junctions. Major junction points (which way now?) on the course will be marked. If you ride for a long distance without seeing any marking tape you should turn around and go back to the last marking tape or sign you saw.
    • Ignorance of the rules is not admitted as an excuse for violations.
    • It is the racer’s responsibility to maintain adequate hydration. No hydration – no start. The organizer will provide hydration stations at the Transition Area and at designated points along the race route.
    • Cut-Off Times (for Duathlon): The cut-off time will be enforced. The cut-off time will be announced before the start of the race. You must obey directions of the SAC Crew if you miss any time cut-offs.
    • Cutting the course: Short-cutting and/or cutting trail switchbacks or course is not permitted and may result in disqualification. A rider / runner is required to stay on the designated trail that is marked and specified as the racecourse. It is the rider’s / runner’s responsibility to follow the designated racecourse. Lack of tape or barrier on the course will not be constituted as an excuse for cutting course.
    • Outside assistance: Limited outside assistance is allowed from another athlete competing in the same event. No outside assistance is allowed from any person not competing or working in the same event. These include but are not limited to spectators, friends, family, photographers, police or marshals. Assistance is limited to tools, tubes or any item that would be used to repair a faulty part or damaged bicycle or water, food, or first aid.
    • Changing bikes is not allowed: For example, a competing athlete is allowed to give another athlete a chain tool or link or a complete chain. A competing athlete can give another athlete a tire patch, tube or complete wheel. But an athlete cannot exchange bikes with another competitor so that the competitor with the broken bike can simply continue without fixing the break.
    • Emergency: If you are in trouble or need medical assistance on the course you must use the emergency number printed on the backside of your race number. If possible tell your exact location (or that last checkpoint passed) to our crew. If you get lost use the emergency number printed on the backside of your race number and if possible tell the last checkpoint you passed. If you come across an injured rider, please stop to assist. Please ensure the injured person has someone with them. Report the incident to the crew using the emergency number on the back of your race number.
    • Insurance: It is the competitor’s responsibility to ensure that you have adequate accident insurance coverage before starting the race.
    • Withdrawal: If you withdraw you MUST inform our race team at a water station or call the number on your race number. You must return to the registration desk to turn in your electronic timing chip and be signed out.
    • Conduct: Foul riding or running, unsportsmanlike behavior or the use of profane or abusive language is grounds for warning, relegation, disqualification or fine.
    • Rubbish: Do not trash the track – put all your rubbish (gel packets, powerbar wraps etc.) in your pack or pockets – you will not see many bins out there! Leave nothing except footprints and tyre tracks.
    • Protests: Protests of any nature must be submitted within one hour of the finish time of the person lodging the protest. Protests must be submitted in writing and signed by the accuser. Saying somebody cut the course is not good enough– it must be written and described as accurately as possible. All protests will be investigated. Because of the nature of SAC it is not always possible to see infractions. The SAC is in the woods, out of sight and marshaled only where necessary. In every case there will need to be verification of the infraction. Officials will not be drawn into a “hear- say” argument.
    • Penalties: Penalties will be determined by the severity of the infraction. The minimum penalty will always be 2 minutes. The maximum penalty will be disqualification from the results of the event and/or a loss of prize money.
    • Race Director’s Decision: Breaking any of the rules may incur a time penalty or disqualification. Any such penalties are at the organizer’s’ discretion and after giving due consideration to all parties, the Race Director´s decision is final.
    1. Acceptance of Risk
      • You enter the SAC at your own risk and acknowledge that you will be competing in an adventure event that entails an element of risk. 
      • You also acknowledge that you will not hold the organisers responsible for any accident or injury that might happen during the course of the event.